DentMed, Inc.

Free Pop-Up clinics

Our mission

To produce and deliver free high-quality dental, medical and vision related services that increases health awareness, treatment, and the overall well-being of the individuals in the communities we serve.


To deliver quality dental, medical and vision care to those in communities where care is isolated; to assist the underserve and impoverished.

Portia Ackridge, CEO


Check back for 2025 updates

There are real costs that are faced by low-income families such as $89 or above for the cost of eyeglasses, $250-750 for a tooth extraction, and $100 or more for routine lab tests. Because of the costs, low-income families and seniors often go without proper healthcare. DentMed, Inc. work closely with cities to address the gap in healthcare treatment for families in need. Even those with insurance will find that these services that are not fully covered within most standard healthcare plans.

Pop-up clinics are free those who seek services, but there are significant costs for hosting these clinics, estimated at $250K per clinic. This includes costs for location, lodging, travel, food, labor and other expenses.

We need partners to support this initiative to ensure that families receive this much-needed care.

We invite you to become a sponsor of a Pop-Up Clinic (Sponsorship package available). If you are unable to make a monetary donation, in-kind donations and donation of time and services are also greatly appreciated.

All donations are tax deductible!

Dental Patient

Patient Registration

Resource Vendors


Frequently Asked Questions

A Pop-Up Clinic is a mobile medical service. Over the course of 3 days, hundreds of volunteers from around the United States will help setup and breakdown a full Dental clinic with anywhere from 8 – 20 dental stations; Vision Clinic with anywhere from 2 – 8 vision lanes, and a Medical clinic with anywhere from 2 – 10 medical bays. All equipment is brought in by partnered non-profit organization, Remote Area Medical. Professional Dental, Vision and Medical services are provided by clinical professionals who volunteer their time and skills to serve the community. 

Most clinics offer Dental, Medical and Vision services, and depending on the local community commitment and desires, other services can be added on such as vaccinations, laboratory testing, PAP smears, mammograms, sport physicals, HIV testing, etc.


All services are not guaranteed at all clinics. Services offered are based on the professionals willing to volunteer their skills and services. 


Pop-Up Clinics work closely with local areas to address many services that are not fully covered within most standard healthcare plans.

There are real costs that are faced by low-income families such as $89 or above for the cost of eyeglasses, $250-750 for a tooth extraction, and over $100 for lab testing. Because of the costs, low-income families and seniors often go without proper healthcare.

Pop-Up clinics alleviate these expenses as all services provided are 100% Free! Patients come seeking treatment for medical needs, vision exams and glasses, as well as extractions and cleanings. In addition, we assist patients with follow-up care post clinic.

Pop-up clinics are run by volunteers, and the clinic’s success sits on the shoulders of our volunteers. Volunteers come from near and far and range from community members assisting with general support duties to medical students, nurses, and Doctors and Dentist assisting with clinical duties.

Volunteers find pop-up clinics fulfilling, rewarding and a great opportunity to giveback and help others.

We are always seeking monetary donations, which are used to off-set the costs for location, lodging of volunteers, travel, food, labor and other expenses such as biohazard deposable, lab work and porta-johns.



In-kind donations are also welcomes.  We often take food and water donations, hygiene products to send patients home with, tables and chairs needed throughout the clinic and more. Every little thing helps. 


We also are always in need of volunteers. The success of all clinics is 100% dependent on volunteers. All Doctors, Dentist, Optometrist, Nurses, Hygienist, Phlebotomist, and General Support staff are volunteers donating their time and skills to the community.  


If you are interested in helping any of these three ways, please do not hesitate to contact us! We will love to hear from you.